
Little Red Hen

Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education
8 Lower Shantalla Road Galway
Email: katielrh1@gmail.com


About Us
Contact Us
This Weeks Menu

Junior Montessori
Senior Montessori
After School
Parents' Info
The Value of Play
Sand Play
Water Play
Heuristic Play
Small World Play
Free Play
Circle Time
Policies & Procedures
Behaviour Management

"I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." - Albert Einstein


Scroll down for the different age groups


The Little Red Hen curriculum is designed to provide progression from one age group to another.  Activities and materials are age-appropriate and the intention is to provide a rich and varied environment to facilitate early learning.  The ages noted below are given as a guide, but are not strictly adhered to.  The needs and interests of the child are paramount and will determine when a child moves from group to the next.  The decision to move from one group to the next will be made in consultation with the child, parents, teachers, and key-worker. 

Toddlers - Age 1 to 2 and a half years

The schedule of activities planned for the toddler age group is posted outside the toddler playroom downstairs. Much of the day is taken up with free play which is interspersed with short periods of structured activities.

During a free play session the children decide for themselves what materials they would like to play with. Materials are easily accessible on low-level shelves and the child is free to move about, see what choices are on offer, and make a decision about what they will engage in.

At this age children are not expected to sit for long periods and their need to move about frequently is respected and reflected in the layout of their environment.

Structured activities for the toddler age group include:

  • Creative art – painting, colouring, cutting glueing
  • Songs, music and dance
  • Books, Story time
  • Outdoor play, ride on, push/pull toys
  • Sand Play
  • Water Play
  • Home Corner
  • Cars, Trains
  • Construction Play – blocks, lego
  • Circle time

Children are encouraged to put materials away after they have played with them in preparation for the move to Junior Montessori at two-and-a-half years.

Montessori – age 2 and a half to 5 years

The Montessori is divided into two groups:

Junior Montessori - two years to go before national school.
Senior Montessori - one year to go before national school.

Both groups follow a Montessori curriculum which is modified and individualised to meet the needs and abilities of the children in each group. If you would like to come in and meet with our Montessori teacher and visit our Montessori classrooms please contact us to make an appointment. We would be very happy to give you a full explanation of how the specialized Montessori equipment helps your child grow and develop.

Other activities enjoyed by the pre-school age children are:

  • Outdoor play
  • Dance, music and singing
  • Drama
  • Creative arts – painting, colouring cutting and glueing
  • Computers
  • Sand Play
  • Water Play
  • Construction Play
  • Circle Time

After Schoolers – Age 4 to 9 Years


This year we will be picking up from the following schools:

  • Scoil Iognaid – the Jes
  • Scoil Bhride – Bushypark
  • Scoil Fhursa
  • Scoil Ide
  • Scoil Croi Iosa – The Pres

Weekly Menu is posted outside the kitchen door. You can find out if your child ate by checking the food log also posted outside the kitchen door.

Teachers are on hand to supervise and help children with any continuation work from school

Each afternoon a different activity is organised for the after school children.